
Best Teachers

Highly qualified & experienced tutors at your home

Live & Interactive

2-way interaction between student & teacher

Personal Attention

Personalised learning based on the student's learning pace

Convenient & Customised

No travel needed. Join Full or part course as per requirement

How It Works

Book a demo class with us. All you need to attend the session is a laptop with good internet connectivity

Our team will reach out to you to help you schedule the class

Our subject experts will take ONE HOUR of session with your child

If you like the session, you can continue by buying any of the available class packages

We will schedule your weekly sessions (recommended 3 sessions per week) and your child can continue the learning journey with us

Our Popular Courses

Select Class

Select Board/Exam

Select Regular Course


You can take these classes from anywhere as per your convenience. A laptop or desktop with good internet connection for facilitating Live classes is required.

These are live online classes. You can schedule these as per your convenience. One session is an hour long.
Time slots available: Weekdays: 09:00 AM - 09:00 PM
Weekends: 09:00 AM - 09:00 PM

Our recommendation is of 2 classes per week, so that the child gets ample amount of time to absorb and practice learnings. However, it is completely up to you on how you want to pace these and you may choose to have more or less number of classes per week.

You can cancel the subscription anytime. We have no questions asked, refund policy. There are zero cancellation charges and you only pay for the classes that you have attended.

There is no fixed schedule for these classes and you can schedule these as per your convenience. If you are going on vacation, simply do not schedule a class for the period. Thus, there are no missed classes.

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